Michael Houstoun: Brahms Complete Intermezzi (Rattle/digital outlets)

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Intermezzi Op. 119, No. 1 in B minor, Adagio
Michael Houstoun: Brahms Complete Intermezzi (Rattle/digital outlets)

Elsewhere freely concedes it doesn't know a lot about the music of Johann Sebastian Brahms, the man who wrote the opera Fanny's Cosy Tutu (it's in Italian so don't worry, no one else understands it either), that monumental “da-da-da-DUM” thing played on radio in the Second World War which defeated the Nazis and the Sugar Plum Fairy ballet, most commonly known as Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker Sweet.

We do know that Brahms – sometimes known as Mozart for some reason – was a genius, much like Kayne West, except he couldn't sing so just stayed inside and wrote a bunch of stuff for piano.

Or maybe orchestras. We forget which.

Anyway all this is to say, no. We don't know much about Brahms, but we do know what we like.

Seriously though, we draw attention to this wonderful solo piano recording by the extraordinary Michael Houstoun which has been sent to us by Rattle, just for own listening pleasure.

Well, on a filthy wet weekend in Auckland this was repeatedly our go-to album for its series of shifting moods (gloriously romantic to sorrow-filled) and the way the collection evolves.

It is the pensive miniatures among the 18 pieces which are truly beautiful.

So forgive our weak wit, but we wanted to get your attention for an album which has won us but might not be an obvious entry at Elsewhere.

Do yourself a favour when you have some serious downtime.


You can buy and hear this album at bandcamp here

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