Lee Harvey: Crawfish for Elvis (1991)

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Lee Harvey: Crawfish for Elvis (1991)

Lee Harvey was, if I am not mistaken, Chris McKibbin who was briefly on New Zealand's Flying Nun label.

So briefly I believe he only did the one EP entitled Security 198 and I seem to recall he went off to Ireland at some point thereafter.

The latter may not be true, but his EP was certainly a very interesting one in that it roved from fairly straight acoustic ballads to experimental pieces -- and this moody and broody version of Crawfish which the young, sexy and James Dean-like Elvis sang in the film King Creole with Kitty Bilbrew.

Harvey did this excellent remake with some special assistance from bassist Peter McLennan and drummer Bobbylon (from Hallelujah Picassos).

I note inside the cover there is an invite to the release party ("with a special guest appearance from Hallelujah Picassos") at the Four Seas Bar in the Hotel De Brett.

I wonder if the complimentary Lee Harvey Wallbanger is still available?

For more oddities, one-offs or songs with an interesting backstory  check the massive back-catalogue at From the Vaults.

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