Dick Move: Wet (digital outlets)

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Dick Move: Wet (digital outlets)

Like a ram-raid through the window of a guitar shop, this local band tap into a bratty, stroppy and furious celebration of reductive rock'n'roll which at times – seven of their 13 songs clocking in under 90 seconds, the others not much more -- make the Ramones seem long-winded.

It sounds like a joke but their debut album Chop! came in at just 18 minutes, this one is a full four minutes longer.

But they pack such energy, desperation, anger, wit and pointed profanity into these songs you can't help be swept up in the thumping, adrenalin rush. Titles tell the story: Small Man Big Tweet; Women, Take the Streets; Minimum Living; I Am Your Dog; Girl on Girl . . . .

Here's a thought, you can play this album about 25 times in the time it would take you to listen to Wagner's Ring Cycle.



You can hear and buy this album at bandcamp here

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