Philip Glass: Music from the film The Illusionist (Elite)

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Philip Glass: Chance Encounter
Philip Glass: Music from the film The Illusionist (Elite)

A lot of soundtracks don't stand up outside of the movie, but Glass' distinctive orchestrations, melodic repetitions and tension-release style work for me (almost) every time, and they certainly do for this film by writer/director Neil Burger.

Given the dramatic suspense and subject matter in the film (magic. mystery, love) this soundtrack in particular -- and Glass has done quite a number now -- evokes a grand emotional sweep, and the way it is presented here with each track moving seamlessly into the next creates an album which is epic in its scope yet full of small detail.

Music for a windy autumn afternoon around the fire.

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Your Comments

Hope - Mar 5, 2009

I loved this movie!
And i loved the music
i wanted to play t he opening scene in band but its not for a band soooooooooo
it was awsome

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