Shelby Lynne: Just a Little Lovin' (Lost Highway)

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Shelby Lynne: You Don't Have to Say You Love Me
Shelby Lynne: Just a Little Lovin' (Lost Highway)

Quite why anyone would get excited over the over-emoting 19-year old Adele's debut album when Shelby Lynne conveys more depth of ache in one line is beyond me.

This exceptional album sees country singer Lynne go down a very difficult route: taking on songs made famous by the late Dusty Springfield (and offering one stunning original). And rather than try to out-gun Dusty in terms of pushing power she sensibly goes in the other direction and -- with producer Phil Ramone -- takes songs like the title track, Anyone Who Had A Heart, You Don't Have to Say You Love Me, I Don't Want to Hear About It and other classics -- right back to their emotional essence.

These are almost minimalist versions where each word and phrase is measured and filled with intimacy and understanding. And she doesn't over-emote or pull in a string section for cheap effect anywhere.

Quite extraordinary.

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jeff - Dec 16, 2008

the depth of emotion and interpretation that shelby sings these songs with give them a freshness that entices you to believe you are hearing them for the first time, even though I grew up listening to them. one of my favourite female singers of the year.

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