Iva Lamkum: Iva Lamkum (Base/Rhythmethod)

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Iva Lamkum: Water - Part I
Iva Lamkum: Iva Lamkum (Base/Rhythmethod)

The first thought that may occur to you on hearing this classy EP by 22-year old Wellington singer-songwriter Lamkum is just when a major international label will scoop her up. I'm picking sooner rather than later.

With a mature and sophisticated meltdown of soul, jazz phrasing, funk and slippery reggae, Lamkum places herself right on the faultlines of suave and hip . . . and writes memorable songs.

If she hasn't listen to female singers from Nina Simone to Alicia Keys I'd be very surprised, and if she has she's smart enough to borrow from their best.

Photos on her MySpace page show that she has spent some time Stateside and I'm guessing that is where she is bound. Over there they would find much to market in her Samoan/Chinese heritage too.

Meantime have a listen to this: if there is a more assured, musically intelligent and sophisticated debut this year I'd be very surprised.

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Ruth - Dec 20, 2008

Listen to Ivy before you head off to work and you'll drive your workmates crazy! Her songs play around in your head,push their way through your lips and escape humming happily in the office environs! A mature controlled sexy voice.

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