Graham Reid | | <1 min read
You Oughta Be in Love

Not really a reissue and not his first such collection, but here are 21 familiar songs -- one apiece from Th'Dudes and DD Smash, with a few in their 2009 versions – and an acknowledgement of a remarkable and productive career.
From rock (Be Mine Tonight) to ballads (the gorgeous blue-eyed soul of You Oughta Be in Love) to experiments in pop (Lap of the Gods, Blindman's Bend) to seminal songs which tapped the most generous spirit of our nation (Welcome Home).
And of course the song we appropriated (Loyal).
A lot of years, a lot of different clothes and hairstyles, a lot of great music with a consistency which rarely failed him.
If you haven't picked up a previous collection . . .
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