Dee's classic Kiwi cheese rolls

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Dee's classic Kiwi cheese rolls

Dee says having spent the first 10 years of her life in Southland, every Kiwi should experience the warming delights of cheese rolls.

Winter is a comin' on folks and Dee recommends this simple recipe to accompany lazing on the couch under a blanket watching the warm glow of the fire . . . or television set. 


1 packet onion soup

2 ½ cups grated tasty cheese

1 small red onion, very finely diced (optional)

White sandwich bread, crusts removed

Spreadable butter


Mix the the cheese and diced onions and put in a saucepan with half a cup of boiling water and the onion soup mix. Melt very gently over a low heat.

Spread the mixture on the bread slices and roll tightly.

Place the rolls on a cold baking tray and spread the outside with butter.

Cook under a hot grill until golden, turning frequently to toast evenly.

Serve immediately and enjoy, preferably by yourself as you won't want to share  :-)

Could be served with soup to make a light meal.

For more recipes at Elsewhere, some exotic and complicated, some very simple, see here

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AngelaS - Jun 17, 2013

Some people recommend a spreading of mustard.

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