Graham Reid | | <1 min read

In the mid-Seventies the hypnotic sound of Augustus Pablo pulled 95bFM listeners close to their radio, because host Duncan Campbell used a Pablo piece (the leisurely Up Wareika Hill) as the theme to his groundbreaking roots reggae programme.
Campbell's show was appointment listening and if you heard it the memories will flood back with the reissue of this classic album from '73 where the producer/guitarist Pablo's deep, old school reggae grooves — with Ansell Collins also on keyboards alongside bass legends Aston Barrett and Lloyd Parks -- get Pablo's gloriously quirky and tuneful melodica pasted over the top.
Pablo's sound was that of gentle breezes, warm visions, sleepy moods and rolling melodies which — with the right personal medication — just took you away, and then even further.
Pablo died in '99, but do yourself a favour and latch onto this to either remember him or be sad about what you missed.
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