Graham Reid | | 1 min read

Yes, we've been down this path twice before with our first volume here and second here.
But increasingly new albums are appearing on vinyl and back-catalogue is being reissued on lovely shiny records.
So once more there was no problem finding 101 (and more) records to expand your mind and music collection.
Again I thank the fine people at JB Hi-Fi for trusting me with this, and also to photographer/designer Murray Lock for the fine job he has done with the design and layout.
This is available in magazine format at JB Hi-Fi stores (pick up a copy while you are picking up your latest favourite record) but if there isn't a store near you then you can read this online here.
If you scan these pages and don't see an album you think should be there then maybe it appeared in volumes 1 or 2. Have a look back.
Here are some sample pages just as a wee taster for you.
And also my intro page just to give you the gist of this and previous volumes.
I hope you discover something new.
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