THE LANEWAY FESTIVAL 2018: The line-up and running times

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THE LANEWAY FESTIVAL 2018: The line-up and running times

The now-annual St Jerome Laneway's Festival in Auckland has put itself about a bit, but last year found an ideal home at Albert Park in the centre of the city.

This year's event, there again, takes place this coming Monday, which is a holiday, Auckland Anniversary Day.

Elsewhere has offered preview and review coverage in the past and here we offer the line-up and running times, plus a site map.

Call it a user's guide if you will.

Right at the end we give the link to festival's website for further information.

Laneway is always an excellent day out and an opportunity to see emerging and established acts, local and international (and some locals who are now internationals).

See you there.



For profiles of the artists, for ticketing and other information go to the Laneway website here.

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