Niko Ne Zna: Niko Ne Zna EP (Monkey)

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Niko Ne Zna: Mere
Niko Ne Zna: Niko Ne Zna EP (Monkey)

The interest in good time "gypsy" music continues after the success of the Benka Borodovsky Bordello Band (with whose style I had some problem).

This outfit from Wellington -- sax, trumpet, trombone, sousaphone, accordion and percussion -- work similar oompa/mad dancing/immediately familiar folk-framed tunes and by not having a vocalist this is straight to the dancefloor with no distractions of the kind I mentioned re BBB.

I note a comment at  says "you can free yourself with these infectious and wild beats" and that seems perfectly apt. Questions of authenticity are perhaps not relevant here, but do have very good jazzy influence which carries them a fair way.

This very enjoyable five song EP is a sampler of their style and will doubtless be snapped up as a memento on their tours. 

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Your Comments

John - Feb 9, 2010

I love this band! I saw them play in Port Charlmers and they were amazing! Can't wait to see them again!

Viva La Balkan Brass!

rob stowell - Mar 16, 2010

Love that track- go the sousaphone! All that brass can sound heavy but these folk give it a lilt- a kick-step. Gonna check out some more...

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