Tim Green/Massimo Magee: Abeyance (Orbit577/digital outlets)

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Tim Green/Massimo Magee: Abeyance (Orbit577/digital outlets)

The last time we heard from drummer Green and saxophonist Magee was very recently when – with other-drummer Tony Irving – they released the exciting but challenging free improvisation album The Clear Revolution as the Cyclone Trio.

That album was recorded the day after their Cataclysm and this session by the duo was recorded just days after The Clear Revolution and takes the form of one 54 minute improvisation.

This is less bold and demanding (which includes electro-acoustic elements from Magee's alto) but also something appreciated in situ and live because just as an aural document it is unengaging and often the sound (mewling, whinnying or abrupt sax squeals, tickled percussion) lurches between disparate ideas.

It's in the nature of experimental music than not every experiment produces a result or is successful. 



You can hear and buy this album from bandcamp here.

These Further Outwhere pages are dedicated to sounds beyond songs, ideas outside the obvious, possibiltiies far from pop. Start the challenge here.

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