Graham Reid | | 3 min read
Mundi: Indlela Enzulu

Flute player and composer Tamara Smith has been at the helm of jazz-into-world music group Mundi for almost a decade now.
Based in Christchurch, New Zealand, the ensemble has travelled internationally and has released two albums, their most recent being In The Blink of An Eye (reviewed at Elsewhere here).
On the back of the album they are touring again -- dates are below -- but Smith took time out to join the long list of musicians who have answered the Famous Elsewhere Questionnaire.
The first piece of music which really affected you was . . .
Peer Gynt Suite – The Hall of the Mountain King...I danced around pretending I was the princess being chased by the trolls...spooky stuff...
Your first (possibly embarrassing) role models in music were . . .
The Muppets
Lennon or Jagger, Ramones or Nirvana, Madonna or Gaga, Jacko or Jay-Z?
Lennon, Nirvana, Madonna ..hmmmm
If music was denied you, your other career choice would be . . .
African dancer for Sean Kuti
The three songs (yours, or by others) you would love everyone to hear are . . .
Well as I’m trying to plug our new album In the Blink of an Eye - Indlela Enzulu, The Breath of the Amazon (where I sing and play flute at the same time) and Berimbau
Any interesting, valuable or just plain strange musical memorabilia at home?
A new edition to the odd record collection at the family home was the gift of a record of the music at Prince Charles and Princess Diana's wedding played by the NZ Salvation Army Band and it came with a bread warmer.
The best book on music or musicians you have read is . . .
I really enjoyed of late a about Bob Dylan (Chronicles, the first installment)
If you could get on stage with anyone it would be . . . (And you would play?)
Festival of the Desert
The three films you'd insist anybody
watch because they might understand you better are . . .
Latcho Drom, The Three Colour films (Bleu with Juliette Binoche) and Planet Earth
The last CD or vinyl album you bought was . . . (And your most recent downloads include . . .)
One song, royalties for life, never have to work again. The song by anyone, yourself included, which wouldn't embarrass you in that case would be . . .The Travelling Song - Mundi
The poster, album cover or piece of art could you live with on your bedroom forever would be . . .
Picasso – Three musicians
You are allowed just one tattoo, and it is of . . .
A glow in the dark tattoo of one of those weird critters that flash electric pulses and live in the depths of the ocean and look like they were designed by Dr Seuss.
David Bowie sang, “Five years, that's all we've got . . .” You would spend them where, doing . . .?
Playing music at festivals all around the world and hanging out afterwards having good yarns with the locals....
And finally, in the nature of press conferences in Japan, “Can you tell me please why this is your best album ever?”
It encapsulates the world though our imagination without having to hop on a plane...
Friday 25th February. The Wine Cellar, Auckland. 9pm. $15/$10
Friday 4th March. Meow Cafe, Wellington. 9pm. $15/$10
Sunday 13th March. Summertimes, Christchurch Botanical Garden.
Saturday April 2nd. The Harbour Light Theatre, Lyttelton. Local african drum and dance ensemble Wontanara will open for Mundi's grand CD launch. $20
Saturday April 9th. Chicks Hotel. Dunedin. 9pm. $15/$10
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