Graham Reid | | <1 min read

In late 2020 -- on the 30th anniversary of it being revealed that Milli Vanilli didn't sing their own songs -- I was interviewed on Radio NZ about fake musicians, lip-synching, classical and pop music frauds and so much more.
You can't take these "artists" seriously and as you may hear, most of it I didn't.
I even dragged in sommeliers who couldn't spot the watering of wine, Leon Russell's alter-ego as Hank Wilson, Garth Brooks aka Chris Gaines, Autotune, AI creations and so much more in a fast 15 minutes about people who enjoyed something more than 15 minutes of . . . notoriety.
The link to the show is here.
Enjoy it as much as I did.
At least this band had fun with being other people.
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