Graham Reid | | 2 min read
Ocean Full of Fins: Killing Floor

Quite how and why the rocking Canadian three-piece OFOF would tour New Zealand (see dates below) and play for free is an interesting question. But not one we need trouble ourselves with.
Because they are playing for free. And there just isn't enough free stuff in the world.
It is said they are gathering material for an album to be entitled Three to Kiwi (their previous one is reviewed here) so maybe that's reason enough to junket down from British Columbia.
And anyway inspiration for their previous album came after a couple of them went off to Peru.
So they are certainly using music as their passport.
Covering blues, country, rock and reggae, OFOF wil doubtless pull decent audiences. And why not.
Free? Wow.
Time they answered our Famous Elsewhere Questionnaire.
The first piece of music which really affected you was . . .
Nirvana’s Nevermind album
Your first (possibly embarrassing) role models in music were . . .
Lennon or Jagger, Ramones or Nirvana, Madonna or Gaga, Jacko or Jay-Z?
Lennon, Nirvana, Madonna, Jacko
If music was denied you, your other career choice would be . . .
The three songs (yours, or by others) you would love everyone to hear are . . .
1. Is this Love by Bob Marley 2. Parlour Mob, Tide of Tears 3. What I got by Sublime
Any interesting, valuable or just plain strange musical memorabilia at home?
I have a Jim Morrison incense holder
The best book on music or musicians you have read is . . .
If you could get on stage with anyone it would be . . . (And you would play?)
The Traveling Wilburys and play the guitar
The three films you'd insist anybody watch because they might understand you better are . . .
1. Forrest Gump 2. Dumb and Dumber 3. The Kings of Summer
The last CD or vinyl album you bought was . . . (And your most recent downloads include . . .)
The last vinyl we bought was Delta Spirit Self titled album, the last download was Eminems Marshall Mathers LP 2
song, royalties for life, never have to work again. The song by
anyone, yourself included, which wouldn't embarrass you in that case
would be . . .
Under the Bridge by Red Hot Chili Peppers
The poster, album cover or piece of art could you live with on your bedroom forever would be . .
Axis Bold as Love cover by Jimi Hendrix.
You are allowed just one tattoo, and it is of . . .
Rock and Roll
David Bowie sang, “Five years, that's all we've got . . .” You would spend them where, doing . . .?
We'd spend them touring an endless summer around the world
And finally, in the nature of press conferences in Japan, “Can you tell me please why this is your best album ever?”
I don't think this is our best album ever because the next album is always gonna be better.
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